Monday, February 7, 2011


Vehicles stranded on Lake Shore Drive after 14 hours
Blizzard 2011
It doesn’t surprise us that we got the biggest storm since 1987. You can just ask Elder Beck and he will tell you bad weather follows me every where I go. SO… if there are any Chicagoan's reading this blog I’m sorry. But I have to say it really felt like home to me for the very first time. I felt like I was back in S.L.C.  Elder Beck and I went out this morning and experienced it first hand. 
Sidewalk just outside our apt
We bundled and layered up and walked, or I should say, drudged through the snow down to the lake. The wind and snow prevented us from seeing nothing but white. The snowdrifts told us how hard the wind blew last night. It’s almost cleared out but they say the temp. will drop and it is typical to have the snow stay around until it’s nice and black and almost spring. We can’t wait! Just kidding.  But for now it is a perfect snowy day. The only down side is it makes me want to stay cozy with donuts and hot chocolate. I mean lots of donuts!!!!! I however have resisted the urge and feel really great about that. 

40 yards of underground walkway to Lake Shore Trail with foot of drifting snow

Trying to climb steps out of Pedway to Lake Shore Trail
That brings me to another first this week. I have really been struggling to stay focused with my weight here in Chicago with all the temptations all around us. It has been extremely hard. I would say the hardest thing has been going to the store so much. I NEED MY FREEZER!!!!!! Seriously I am really hating the store. As missionaries we are also on a budget so we can’t go out to eat like we used to. I AM ALSO SICK OF COOKING !!!! I am also use to my husband being at Jazz games 2 to 3 days a week and not having to cook at all. Getting to Weight Watcher on my own has been difficult. I really miss that part of my life I left behind. The amazing people that helped me stay focused on my healthy side. You all know who you are. I miss you all!!!!  I miss them and my family so much that eating sweet, ice cream and gelato has become my favorite past time to not seeing my grandkids. SO………. (DRUM ROLL) I convinced Elder Beck to join Weight Watchers. Yes, I know…… I have tried to have that happen for 8 years. Wewhew!!!!!!!!!!! Walking through the doors of Weight Watchers knowing I was truly back in control was like old home week to me. I did not recognize one face at W.W. but I felt home!!!!! I have felt like myself all week. I am more focused on my purpose here as a missionary. It is amazing to me how feeling healthy really helps clear your head. It helps your focus on all the other things you are doing in your life with more commitment and clarity. We had to have people to dinner 4 times this week all of which were not very healthy and Elder Beck and I still lost weight. I LOVE WEIGHT WATCHERS!!!!!
Let’s tell you now about all the missionary things that have been going on. Yasna has told us she wants to be baptized by Easter. She amazes us each time we meet with her at her understanding of gospel principles and her desire to change and live them. She likened herself to the parable of the seeds that are planted in soil and the seeds that are planted on the rock. She said she does not want to be one of those people who rush into baptism quickly and then not understanding fully the commitments she has made, like the seeds on the rock, is swept away with the first bit of conflict that comes her way. I can understand why she would choose Easter, to her it means rebirth. I wish all members of our church had her understanding and commitment. Yazna has had her share of hardship and heartache. Living in Bosnia, then having to flee Bosnia knowing you may never see family again and knowing you can never return for fear of losing your life if you do is unbelievable to us. It makes us feel so blessed for living in a great place and to be able to worship the way we want. And now to be able to share what we know of our gospel and see the impact for good it is having on her life. We are truly happy and blessed!
We also had Ricky (Five Guys) come to church for the first time. The Elders are continuing to teach him. We also had another miracle happen last week. Long story short, I went to Jo-Ann's looking for yarn. Yes family even with 4 boxes of yarn I brought with me, I needed more. We got on the wrong street. We almost didn’t make it before it closed. We rolled up to the door 2 minutes before 9pm; I jumped out and ran in while Elder Beck parked. While I was frantically looking for what I wanted and not finding it, I hear "THE STORE IS CLOSING BRING ALL ITEMS TO THE FRONT"; I panic and ask for help. I get help. As we are looking a woman comes up to me and says she saw my tag when I went looking for help. She tells me she was a member of our church when she was younger. I ask if she is still a member. She tells me yes but she hasn’t been to church for years. I reply I can help you with that. She looks at me stunned and says, “The Mormon Church is in Chicago?” I tell her there are several wards. After I tell her where they are located and she says that she had just gone home to North Carolina to buried her father last week and had told her father-in- law she needed to get back to church and then here I am in her store. I tell you what, miracles are happening right before our eyes. Just like our Stake President has said “You just need to find them one by one. Just one at a time!” If we have to buy more yarn to find them then, heck, that’s what we will do.

We are still helping Ben and Teri to prepare for the temple. F.H.E. has taken off like gangbusters and we are still helping the Singles Branch and loving them. We recently attended a FHE with the Singles and saw pictures of a trip the Branch Counselor and his wife did to Jerusalem just before Christmas.  They were very interesting and it was good to get to know the Singles better.  Soon, we’ll hold a FHE for them in our apartment, which should be interesting since about 30 usually attend.

Even though we miss all we have left behind so much, life is so great! We are so happy here doing the Lords work! Things are wonderful the blizzard and all!!!!!!!     
When your buildings are 100+ stories, you watch out for ICE!!

Snow covering park bench, up to Sister Beck's knees

2 foot drifting snow in Pedway to Lake Shore Trail

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